Vitrified Clay Pipe Gasket

General Application:
STONEWARE gasket is used for sewerage purpose in domestic and industrial area in municipal region, It is a low pressure pipeline where Industrial waste water, rain water, domestic waste water and public discharge water is drained out.
Material Specifications & Quality Assurance
- Gasket materials complies in all respects with physical requirements specified in ASTM C 425-04 / EN 681-1 STD.
- This standard confirms for pipe joint system of ASTM-1208, NBR etc, are used according to its applications.
- Superior quality synthetic rubber materials like SBR, EPDM, BS-EN-295 / IS:651
- Application: Sewage/Drainage vitrified clay pipe joint sealing
- Facilitates longer pipe length
- Lesser number of pipes per unit length
- Gasket assembly is possinble at pipe manufacturer's end
- Pipe breakage is less during assembly
- Faster laying of pipes
- Quick and hassle free installation
- Labour cost is less than conventional method
- Pipe can accomodate ground movement due to flexible design of the joint